The Underground TheaterTheatre Puget Sound, and SCRiB LAB are proudly partnering on a brand new play development mini-festival process called The Harvest!

Friday, September 20 @ 7PM - Coco Justino's The Last Rites of Uncle Manny

Saturday, September 21@ 7PM - Jack Wolfram's One Fish Two Fish

Sunday, September 22 @ 2PM - P.H. Lin's Happier Trail

Presented at Seattle Center’s Center Theatre @ 305 Harrison Street

The Harvest will feature 3 Seattle-area playwrights who will present their plays to the public on one weekend, spend a week in revisions, then have another reading on the second weekend. The plays will be read by professional Seattle actors and audiences will be invited to provide feedback.

During the week between readings, the playwrights will revise their plays according to feedback provided at the first reading. They will be provided one-on-one dramaturgical support with Miriam Tobin of SCRiB LAB and physical space at TPS to use if they’d like to write outside their home.

The dates for 2024 are: Fri - Sun 9/20-22. All public readings will be at the Center Theatre at TPS, and audiences are encouraged to come to multiple shows as it will be exciting to see how the plays develop.

Please email if you have further questions.


Submission Rules and Guidelines:

  • Overall plays presented must be less than 100 pages with standard formatting

  • Excerpts are only 10 pages submitted in PDF form and if anything longer is submitted we will assume you meant to provide the first 10 pages

  • You may also submit a character breakdown within your submission

  • We will prioritize plays that can be executed with 5 actors

  • There will be a 10% net profit pool established and split evenly between the 3 playwrights as a thank you for the licensing right to present the plays in reading format for both weekends

  • Facilitators will be provided by TPS or TUT

  • Casting will be facilitated by and the responsibility of The Underground Theater

  • Playwrights must be available for all dates when submitting to be involved in the mini-festival